Nossas Politicas

Tickets4way, in order to demonstrate the commitment to the security and privacy of the information collected from the users of its web and mobile channels, created the Privacy Policy.

When purchasing tickets or registering for events available in the Tickets4way sales channels, users' personal data will be collected and stored on Tickets4way servers such as: name, phone number and email. These data are the minimum necessary for the acquisition of the tickets by the users. Other extra data can be requested, being at the discretion of each user, its information or not.
Payment and fulfillment data required for transaction processing as well as user credit card data are not stored on Tickets4way servers.
In addition to the information received during the registration and payment procedures described above, there is also the receipt of information when the user contacts Tickets4way or responds to one of their searches. This information will be included in each user's registration.
All information collected is stored on servers, which observe strict security, inviolability and reliability standards, in order to guarantee the users privacy, privacy, honor and image.
Personal data will be made available only to authorized employees who undertake to comply with this privacy policy and are not publicly shared or used for purposes other than those originally proposed.
Except for the express, free and informed consent of the user, Tickets4way will not provide to third parties personal information, registration of connection and access to internet applications.
Users assume responsibility for the information they are providing to Tickets4way as well as the consequences of their decisions.
To confirm the registration and activate the account, the user will receive an email from Tickets4way.
By registering and confirming by e-mail, the customer expressly consents the your use, storage and processing of personal data by Tickets4way
By accessing the Tickets4way system for the first time, the purchase can be submitted to Tickets4way's information security department, which can contact the user and request details of the information.
After the purchase, the user will receive an email at the address indicated. Thus, it is very important that customer data is always up to date on the Tickets4way website.
Upon request of the customer, Tickets4way will proceed to the definitive exclusion of personal data, except in case of compulsory guarding.

Cookies are short snippets of text used to store information in web browsers. Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones, and other devices. Other technologies, including the data we store on your browser or device, identifiers associated with your device, and other software are used for similar purposes.
Tickets4way uses cookies to help identify visitors and prevent, for example, that the user's password must be typed several times during the use of the site. The browser or device may have settings that allow the user to choose whether to set cookies or not and to delete them. Certain parts of the Tickets4way Services may not properly if your browser's cookie usage has been disabled.

Tickets4way has an AntiSpam Policy and follows good marketing practices and rules by not sending spam. The Tickets4way complies with all the criteria of the Self-Regulation Code for the practice of E-mail Marketing (CAPEM - no Brazil and CAUCE in the EUA).
E-mail Marketing is an important tool for communicating with the customer. Creating and sending email marketing requires a judicious system to be followed for the preservation of customer privacy and security.
All Email Marketing sent by Tickets4way counts on the consent of the customer (Opt-in), since he himself chooses to receive through an enrollment or implicitly when a contact between the parties is established, without using intrusive means.
All e-mails sent by Tickets4way have the opt-out link (option to unsubscribe from the e-mail to receive future messages), thereby fully respecting the privacy and freedom of those who receive the message.
The Tickets4way website and apps are constantly enhanced with new features and new services provided. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to change our Privacy Policy. Each time this happens we will update the date of the last modification, available at the beginning of the page. Your continued use of the website and applications after any changes to this Privacy Policy indicates your agreement to the revised terms.

By using our website and applications, you agree to the Privacy Policy contained in this document. Other important information about the terms and conditions of use is available in Policies or in our Help Center. If you still have any doubts, Tickets4way requests that you contact us through

Customer Service: By mail or by WhatsApp 321 444-9065.